you know that most mosquito, tick, and flea sprays can take 5 years off
your life? |
Love it! |
No Chemicals: No
Citronella: |
.25oz Enjoy The Moment Oil-Immediate Stress Relief and feel
happier with a soothing blend of essential oils, herbs, and
crystals. Light scent that works right away. Rub on
yourself--put some on pressure points for
immediate relief, great for office stress or as daily
perfume -- use after shower or in bath
Natural Aromatherapy with a calming scent . --for more
info goto Enjoy the Moment Page
Each bottle starts working as soon as you smell and use it.YY-Reduce
Enjoy The Moment
Try today--you just must pay shipping and handling
The more stressed you are the more insects will be attracted to you.
Yale scientists have discovered that chronic stress or
major depression can cause the loss of brain volume,
a condition that contributes to both emotional and cognitive
sample of
Fly,Tick,Mosquito,Stinkbug,Bedbug, Mouse, Ant, Spider,
Flea, Roach & Rodent Guard Powder
--Get rid of the bugs and rodents now and
keep them away all fall and winter--this is enough to protect most
garages from mice, spiders, ants, stinkbugs (etc) coming in or 1-2
You must pay for shipping and handling of $5.35
--I cannot send it for free --naturally safe for kids,
pets, food to be around
A 10 gallon fishtank was filled with hundreds of house flies (Culex pipiens) that carries West Nile Virus, mosquitoes, ticks (deer, nymph, plus others), bees, spiders, and other unpleasant insects. I kept my arm in there for 3 1/2 hours and got NO BITES! Do you suppose the president of any other commercial bug repellent would do that? I bet my life on Bugrepel, shouldn't you?
nkbug protection, bedbug guard, spider repellent, ant repellent, mice repellent, snake protection, roach repellent, scorpion r
Stinkbugs & Bedbugs are a big problem now,
Each female stinkbug can lay eggs every 5-8 days and will lay up to 31,000 stinkbugs per year. Stinkbugs are a major problem in 37 states --in fruit and in homes. Protect Now
Chemicals Are Ineffective on Spiders but Tick, Mouse, Spider,Flea, Ant, Roach, & Rodent Guard Keeps Them Away
Using a pesticide is not a good solution to spider problems. “Insecticides will not provide long-term control” of spiders, according to the University of California, “and should not generally be used against spiders outdoors.” Inside, “control by spraying is only temporary unless accompanied by housekeeping.” Washington State University Extension has a similar perspective: “Most spider problems can be solved without the use of chemicals.”
Fly,Tick,Mosquito,Stinkbug,Bedbug, Mouse, Ant, Spider, Flea, Roach & Rodent Guard Powder
Fly,Tick,Mosquito,Stinkbug,Bedbug, Mouse, Ant, Spider, Flea, Roach & Rodent Guard Powder is a non-toxic all natural insect and rodent repellent.
Fly,Tick,Mosquito,Mouse, Ant, Spider, Flea, Roach & Rodent Guard Powder is an easy to use powder, which you shake the powder in an area where you have a problem, leave it there for 4 hours and then vacuum the powder up or you can leave it there for long term protection. One treatment will keep an area free of fleas, ants, roaches, rats, mice, silverfish, ticks, bedbugs, Palmetto bugs, water bugs, and mites, for up to 4 months.
Made completely from food grade constituents.
Safe for kids, animals and around food. Does not stain and has a mild pleasant
Easy to use, long lasting, works while being safe for kids, pets, and food to be around
Comes in a shaker container for easy use and a tips booklet.
For those with a bad problem there is Double Extra Strength. It is literally double the strength of Fly,Tick,Mosquito, Mouse,Stinkbug, Bedbug, Ant, Spider,Flea, Roach & Rodent Guard to work fast.
Easy to use, long lasting, works while being safe for kids, pets, and food to be around
Comes in a shaker container for easy use and a tips booklet.
Double XFly,Tick,Mosquito, Mouse, Stinkbug, Bedbug Spider, Ant, Flea, Roach & Rodent Guard Powder
6oz. covers 300 feet worth of area. Price$15.91 --great for an apartment or around your home
**Keep your garbage cans smelling good and keep
all animals
naturally-bears,raccoons,squirrels,skunks, rats,mice,deer,possums, groundhogs, snakes, armadillos, rabbits,
dogs, cats, ants, flies & maggots
-Keep animals out of garbage cans
-Removes scent of garbage
-Removes and guards against ants, flies and maggots
-Works, easy to use, cheap
-Smells good
you tired of picking up garbage?
Tired of holes and broken cans from animals getting in the cans or making holes in the bottom of garbage cans?
Tired of stinky trash cans?
Hate flies and maggots?
Trash Out--put on and in the garbage can to keep the can smelling nice and keep the bugs and animals out.
Easy to use--Comes with directions and suggestions on how to use it
100% Natural and really works! --more info & testimonials click here Garbage Man Recommended
Bugrepel Natural Insect Guards combines 16 different essential oils of plants and flowers from around the world including catnip (proven 50% stronger than DEET) in a special secret all natural formula to guard against ticks, mosquitoes, flies, & over 97 other insects that works quickly and is very effective. We use the pure essence of plants --the strongest essential oils to help you. The essential oils are brought together to fulfill your needs of keeping the bugs away with a soothing scent that will make you feel happier and is safe for people, dogs, cats, home, horses, barn, children and friends. The essential oils put out a high vibration to keep the insects away long after you stop smelling it. Bugrepel is economical because you do not need as much as other products and it lasts a long time where you spray it. Bugrepel is safe for sensitive people. Bugrepel is natural and non-chemical.
specific blend is all natural and can be used by all ages--babies to old people
and pregnant women with out trouble. The Blends were created to be safe of human
and animal skin without worry.
The formula was designed for several purposes.
guards against insects and the scent naturally dehydrates the insects and their
eggs so that there are no offspring to bother you
for you, your family, pets, and your home.
and Holistic Vet Recommended
is a spicy lavender mix and can be used as a perfume or air freshener for the
oils used are soothing to the senses. The scent of Bugrepel was designed to also
calm and de-stress you. Insects are stressful--life is stressful. This is ment
to be worn for long periods of time and help you to feel happier when you wear
are known to help the skin. They are soothing for dry skin, hot spots, and
Y -for animals, they help with cuts scratches hot spots, restore shine to coat. While the scent will make them feel happier, the oils used will help stop scratching, licking, and biting and deodorize the animals so they smell nice and if you use it in a barn, not only will the bugs stay away but the barn will smell alot better.
Bugrepel Concentrate
Y Economical-1 Product Many Uses for You, Kids, Pets, Dogs, Cats, Horses, Home, Barn, Yard, Camping, Fishing in a concentrated form that you easily mix when needed.
Y Easy To Use- You mix in water, shampoo, oil, yard sprayer--comes with a book of ways to use the product and how to mix it in different bases
Y Long lasting--The concentrate when applied lasts until it is washed off. 1 spray in the morning for all day or on pets monthly or on the yard until a very heavy rainstorm.
Keep you, your family, pets (dogs, cats, birds, horses), home, barn, yard bug free for pennies a day naturally Long- lasting economical effective safe and natural concentrate containing catnip oil which is proven 50% more effective than DEET No more need to buy pesticide sprays, home sprays, pet sprays, yard sprays, personal sprays, shampoos, baths or dips, insect repellent treatments, or skin conditioners Blend of Natural Pure Uncut essential oils creates the safest easiest most cost effective way to remove all insects. Makes you feel happier while removing all bugs naturally while each one works in harmony to safely eliminate your bug problems. The essential oils in Bugrepel concentrate all have special properties besides removing the bugs, some are natural spirit lifting, some are natural anti-bacterial, some are natural anti-fungal, and some help with skin problems-naturally soothing, moisturizing the skin and for pets conditioning the coat. Comes with a free booklet of all the different ways to easily use the concentrate for the yard, home, children, pets-dogs, cats, birds, pet bedding, shampoos, parties, barn, diffuser, lawn, horses and farm animals. Easy to mix in your favorite products to remove all insects without spending money on all the different products. You can make sprays, shampoos, rubs, yard sprays, barn sprays, horse, dog, cat, bird, children, home insect repellents, carpet powder, total home and yard pest control, complete camping insect guard, cage cleaner, kennel and barn pest control all with a soothing scent on spicy vanilla lavender that will make you feel happier while removing all bugs cheaply. Read label before using and very economical way to be tick, mosquito, fly, insect free naturally. Safe for all ages and pets, just not the bugs. Works as a room deodorizer and sanitizer too. Comes with a book of instructions and ways to use the product to economically remove all your bug problems. 1 oz will make 1 gallon of mild insect repellent-- depending on how strong you need because of how bad your insect problem is, you will need more concentrate for a stronger mix-- The premixed gallon has 11 ounces to the gallon, but this is great for 32 ounces oil based; 8-32 ounces of water based; mix in shampoo; use in a sprayer system; use for fly fishing ( also great as an attraction to catch the fish ), many use this in a yard sprayer system with the hose for horses, yard, barn.