Stop Territorial Spraying
Stop your cat and dog from peeing where you do not want the cat and dog to
No more cleanup,
No more odors,
Natural long lasting
Eliminates embarrassing litter box odors
( You can relax and not worry when company comes over because you KNOW there will be no offensive odors).
Eliminates the cats desire to ruin all your favorite things
Removes the sickening stinky pile of poop and pee on the floor in the morning.
Cats, Naturally, do not want to be around the scent of Spray Stopper. Spray where you do not want them to go to the bathroom. Spray Stopper is a natural scent barrier that will not hurt the cats but they will not want to be near. Safe for cats, kids, pets, and you. Shake before using. You can also use as a wipe or put in mop 1/2 gallon of mop water and mop the area that you do not want them to use. It has a sight tan color so do not use on furniture or white carpet. It will wash out or wear out over time so reapply monthly to every 3 months, depending on how often the area is used because the more the area is used, the quicker the scent will wear off. If you clean off the scent, please reapply.
Quick Easy Safe and IT WORKS!
Make your house happy for you and your cat without miserable cat pee scents or territorial spraying.
To order click here or call now 908-892-4372.
Stop Territorial Spraying with Spray Stopper and Enjoy your Days
2oz of Long Lasting Natural Spray Stopper only $9.95
Stop Territorial Spraying of Cats No more cleanup, No more odors, Natural long lasting Eliminates the cats desire to ruin all your favorite things and the embarrassment of guests smelling or stepping in cat pee or poop. Quick Easy Safe and IT WORKS! Make your house happy for you and your cat without miserable cat pee scents or territorial spraying. 2oz natural long-lasting spray
Enjoy your cat and have a happy cat
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