"If you want to stop ants instantly and keep them away naturally and safely, Ant Free works--you watch them run away and they do not come back"
Margie, mother of 5 with 2 dogs and a parrot
Dear Friend,
How much is being ants free worth to your peace of mind?
Suppose you could spray where the ants are or spray around your home and be completely ant free all the time.
Imagine…eating your breakfast without ants crawling around the cabinets.
Sounds too good to be true?
Well, it isn’t if you have the right product.
Watch all ants run away and die with Ants Free
Kills not only the adult ants but they take it back and it kills the eggs and the Queen. They will not want to go back to the area that you sprayed again. Keeps the ants out of your home, work place, kitchen, garage, cabinets, or where ever they are bothering you.
-Black Ants, Fire Ants, Red Ants, Biting Ants, Carpenter Ants, Pharaoh Ants, and Nuisance Ants--the dozens of common Household invading ants that cause food spoilage and can bite.
It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make some Ant Free. You can have someone come every month to spray toxic chemicals and cost a small fortune or you can spray your ants and watch them leave and not come back.
But instead of knocking yourself out trying everything to rid yourself and your home of ants, you can now have it inside a new Natural Ant Repellent and Killer Spray called:
At last! Every ant will be gone from your area.
Click here to Order Now to have a great ants free day
But don’t take my word for it, here’s what customers from all over the country are saying about this unique Ants Free system:
“It worked instantly! I sprayed them as they were marching along the kitchen floor. They turned around and ran back to their hole and I never saw them again! It was fantastic. It was the last march of ants in my house. I later sprayed around perimeter of the house and in back of cabinets and have not seen an ant since. This has been a year! Thank you." Maureen from Texas
“We have fire ants that are bigger than little dogs and sand ants that hurt so much. I used your spray and the ants were away from the house and it killed them. There are no more ant colonies around my home and my family and I can not go outside. I truly was afraid to have the kids outside with the ants before.”--Jack from Florida
“My house was infested with ants. They were everywhere. I sprayed all around the house and mopped the floors and the perimeter of the home and used it on the flagstone patio and now no more ants. The scent is so wonderful and refreshing. It not only completely removed all ants but also got rid of mice."--Jill from California
"I love the scent. I sprayed around the picnic table so that we can eat out in peace and around the house for the ants and they went away immediately and did not come back. I now just use it because it is such a great air freshener. The fresh mint scent in invigorating and makes the whole house smell wonderful"--Jan from North Carolina
I know you’re probably still skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this – if you keep doing the same things over and over again – you’ll only succeed in getting the same results. That’s why I want to let try out my proven Ants Free – completely and totally risk-free! (I’ll tell you about my unique guarantee in a moment.)Click here to Order Now to have a great ants free day
Which Of These Powerful Secrets
Could You Use To Be Completely Ant Free Quickly, Naturally, Safely, and Non-toxic that is fine for babies, children, pets, and birds to be around with a refreshing mint scent?
-Black Ants, Fire Ants,
Red Ants, Biting Ants, Carpenter Ants, Pharaoh Ants, and Nuisance Ants--the
dozens of common Household invading ants that cause food spoilage and can bite.
· 100% Non-Toxic and safe for children, pets, and birds to be around
· No Harmful Chemicals
· Strong effective essential oils of mints kill the ants and you can watch them run away and some die as you spray ( you want them to go back to their home and take it to the Queen and eggs so it wipes out the whole colony)
· Safe To Be Around Food
· Safe For Children, Pets, Pregnant Women, and People of All Ages To Be Around
· Alleviate your mind and place of ants for months.
to use and it will not be sticky on surfaces.
Just spray on where you want the ants not to be.
· Use Under Tables, Under Beds, In Closets, In The Bathroom, In The Kitchen To Keep The Ants Away.
· Easy to use under tables, under beds, and in the bathroom--without it moving from where you put it.
· Contains 5 Essential Oils of Mints that are food grade
· Pour down the hole in ant hills or colonies and the workers will take it to the Queen and it will kill all the ants naturally without harming the area.
It not
only works on ants but naturally dehydrates the
offspring to prevent future generations from bothering you.
Use and enjoy your day.
· The Mint Scent Removes Nasty Smells Like Cat and Dog Pee
· Pleasant Scent plus, lots more
Okay, So What’s The Cost For This Incredible Resource?
Remove Ants and Be Ants Free Now
Well, realize that this Ants Free System could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. In fact if you asked a top expert, like myself, to produce a way to remove all ants from your home for you, you’d be charged in the neighborhood of $100 to $10000, not including monthly and additional charges.
(I currently charge a minimum of $15.97 for product. So at bare bones minimum you’re getting thousands and thousands of dollars worth of knowledge and product at your disposal.Click here to Order Now to have a great ants free day
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum project price. In fact, your total investment for a total natural quick and easy Ants Free System is only $15.97
Click here to Order Now to have a great ant free day
So what’s the catch? Why am I practically giving this resource away?
Well, it’s really quite simple. I want you to be ant free naturally, quickly, and without hassle or stress.
#3 FREE Bonuses For Ordering By Midnight Tonight
Free Bonus Gift #1: "100 Natural Solutions To Keep The Bugs Away Without Spending Money" Book value $5.97
-A Special Ants Free Chapter in the Book
Free Bonus Gift #2: Heavy Duty Spray bottle to Quickly Remove All Ants and can be used again value $6.95
Free Bonus Gift #3: Tips to use the Ant Free To Easily Remove All Ants And Give Your Home A Refreshing Scent
Together these #3 free bonuses are worth more than triple your investment in the Ants Free -- but they're all yours absolutely free when you order by midnight Tonight. Click here to Order Now to have a great ant free day and see what other products we offer or order below
100% Risk-Free Guarantee:
Your success in using product is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:
I personally guarantee that if you do not watch the ants go .
If after a full 12 months, you honestly believe I haven’t delivered on this promise then let me know and I’ll issue you a prompt and courteous refund. Plus, the free bonus gifts are yours to keep regardless, just for your trouble.
Is that fair or what?
That means you can try out all the material at my risk, while you see if they work for you or not. And if they don’t produce, I honestly want you to ask for your money back. And I’ll let you keep the free bonus gifts as my way of thanking you for giving the Ants Free a try.
There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part. The burden to deliver is entirely on me. If you don’t produce immediate profits using these instant sales letters then I’m the loser, not you.
Look at it this way -- $15.97 is really a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you’re going to waste on ineffective ways to remove the ants and toxic chemicals this year. That’s why…
You Really Can’t Afford Not To Invest In
This Ants Free!
It's easy to get started right away.
AntFree Spray 32oz
All Natural-Non-Toxic Mint Scented Ant Guard The easiest way to naturally remove all the ants, silverfish, and spiders safely and naturally. This is a concentrate to spray around to remove and repel the ants and for the ants to take back to their nests so it can dehydrate the offspring also. It is naturally bad for the bugs and will not only work on the adults but also dehydrates the offspring--they take it back to their nests after they get near the scent. It will repel them because they will not want to be near the scent. It can be mixed with water and still be effective. Spray around where you have a problem. Just shake the bottle & spray it all over. Spray around the perimeter of the buildings and the rooms where the walls and floors meet. Spray around your doors and windows to keep the bugs out and get rid of those that are there. Spray around the inside perimeter of the infested area and around your rooms, especially the kitchen, bathrooms, basements, and utility rooms. (These are the first places insects go). Spray on the carpet and couches to freshen & remove the insects. Please spray around the kitchen, under refrigerator and oven, in the corners, in back of cabinets, in the back of bookcases, around the perimeter of the room where the floor and walls meet. Spray around the doors to outside, the windows, & around the rooms. Spray where the ants are coming in. It will not stain and creates a pleasant scent in the rooms from the essential oils used. If fleas and ants are bad and you have floors that you mop, mix with up to 1 gallon of water and mop the floors with it. It will not stain, discolor, or make the floors sticky but will drive the insects away. Vacuum to remove insects. Spray on outside furniture to keep insects away-- please reapply after a heavy rainstorm. Avoid eye contact. Not responsible for misuse. Shake before using. Keeps insects away so everyone can play. This concentrate is strong with a great deal of peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, and wintergreen essential oils
-great for spiders
-great to keep mice and rats away--spray garage, basement, where they are coming in and in back of cabinets safe for kitchen
Ant Free Spray 1 gallon
Remove all ants, spiders, mice from your home, patio, picnic area, and yard
Just click here to view product page with all insect repelling products or call 877-278-8456
Get ready to have a great day without ants.
We want you to be ant free all season
Also works great for mice, rats, and spiders
P.S. Just think! You’ll never again suffer through the pain and hassle of ants in your cabinets, ants on your food, ants ruining your day.
Click here to Order Other Bugrepel Products Now to have a great ants free day
We use a secure cart that is easy and fast
Simple Natural Non-Toxic Solution to all your Insect Problems that is
Safe for You, Your Children, Your Pets, Your Home, Your Horses and Large
Just Spray and Start Enjoying Life.
For other Product Pages
La hormiga Libre PARA Naturalmente
Bugrepel Home-Read About Bugrepel Natural Safe Insect Guard for you, your children, pets, that is 50% stronger than DEET and lasts all day
Personal Note from theCreator of Bugrepel
Stress Devil-Remove all Stress from you immediately with this natural Aromatherapy
Golf- Page Get Birdies Not Bites with Shea Butter for Sunscreen
Fishing-Page To help get fish and not be attacked by fishes--great for fly fishing
Insect News-What is the going on with the insect problems- Lyme Disease & West Nile Virus Updates!
Cat Pee Remover- keeps dogs from peeing and pooping in the house
Horse Webpage-Protect your Horse friends from Lyme
Disease, West Nile Virus, Equine Encephalitis and other Insect-Borne
Call now and
order! 855-LOV-BUGS
All our Products are 100% Child &
*Products -listing
of all products offered
Be Happy Attraction and What are Essential Oils-for attraction products for you --come to me to bring friendship and love to you quickly and to help you have a happy day. Also information on what essential oils are and what they do for you.
Ants won't go near you anytime anywhere whenever
you spray on Ants Free.
The National Bug Organization gave Ants Free several thousand bugs to test and
the results were astounding.
Ants won't go near you or your home or workplace or family once you use Ants
Free. You understand how important this is to you, your family, and friends especially with biting infection causing ants on the
loose. Based on long standing evidence that ants "hate" a particular scent, this
occurring combination stops bugs before they stop anywhere near you. So safe yet
powerful. The scent will exhilarate you yet not overpowering. A non-staining
reasonably priced product that will protect your loved ones. Many groups of
have used this product throughout the world including gardeners, home owners,
child care workers, fishermen, hikers,
hunters, campers, mothers and children, farmers, construction workers, horseback
and families. And people who just hate ants.
Ants won't be your friend but Ants Free TM) will.
We're the people who hate ants.
It's not magic, but you may think it is. The fact that there is a completely
safe, natural
answer to all your concerns about ants. (Just the description of any bug on me
gives me
the shivers) Ants, flies, mosquitoes, all possess that annoyance that
people crazy. The smell is so good you'll think its perfume and ants hate it.
Bugrepel is a natural herbal-based line of insect repellents with a proven four
year track
record. Developed by the founder and Director of BeHappy (a non-profit
dedicated to helping people and animals feel happier), this environmentally
friendly solution
smartly blends holistic health and powerful ant extermination. Why? Because we
hate ants
invading our space as much as you do. But, unlike the manufacturers of deadly
pesticides and
toxic, commercial household sprays, this caring company does not believe that
ridding yourself
of ants is worth sacrificing the health of your children and pets.
Ant Free is a natural repellent, that has achieved astonishing results in testing
associated with the
National Bug Organization. This highly effective formula contains mint, actually
leaving a
pleasant and therapeutic scent for you, your pets and your family, while
attacking ants on all fronts.
Spray and watch as some stop dead in their tracks while others return to the
colony killing the queen
and eggs. Best yet, though, many of them never make it to the party at all
(there’s nothing more
embarrassing than watching a troupe of ants make their way across your table
while serving company),
due to an ingenious scent-barrier that actually protects your home and yard.
100% non toxic and containing 5 essential oils that are food-grade allows you to
spray Ants Free to kitchen cabinets, near your pet’s food, in the bathroom without the worry
of adverse health effects,
chemical odors or stickiness. 60 times stronger than DEET, Ant Free kills them
all (black ants, fire ants,
red ants, biting ants, carpenter ants and Pharaoh ants). Wherever you spray it
the scent-barrier will remain for up to nine months or when you decide to wash
it off. You can even pour Ant Free directly into the hill
without any worry of contaminating the area. So stop ants from ruining your day
and feel happier..
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