100% Natural Way to keep Animals Stink Flies and Maggots out
of Garbage Cans & Works
**Keep all animals out
Naturally--bears, raccoons, squirrels, skunks,
rats, mice, deer, possums, groundhogs, snakes, armadillos, rabbits, dogs, cats, ants,
bees, flies & maggots
Made completely from food grade constituents. Safe around kids, animals &
Does not stain and has a pleasant scent.
-keep animals, flies, ants, and stink away
-stop picking up garbage
-stop having garbage cans and doors destroyed by bears, rats, raccoons,
squirrels, dogs,
-keep rats, ants, snakes, groundhogs out of basement and sheds
-stop wasting expensive feed
-save time, money, and frustration of constantly cleaning up the mess
-easy to use
-basement & attic keep rats, chipmunks, snakes, & spiders out while removing
musty smells
-shop areas protected & smell nice
-remove strong odors--around diesel smell or animal pee scent
--keep bears & skunks out of garbage and area
--pleasant uplifting scent to the human nose
The Trash Out can be used on
-trash can
-garbage and waste containers
-shed doors
-garage doors
-basement & attic
-around shed and perimeter of garages
-around feed containers to keep rats and animals out
-on and around basement doors
-used where you want to keep animals out of
Been creating this product to keep the bears, stink, maggots, flies, squirrels,
deer, ants, raccoons, possums, rats, snakes, skunks, mice, groundhogs,
armadillos, rabbits, bees, flies, maggots out and make the cans smell good for 17 years
for friends and by word of mouth. It works. I just never thought of selling it.
Garbage Man Recommended
Stop your Problems in a Safe, Easy, and Natural Way
Y-Veterinarian and Holistic Vet Recommended
Y-Less Cost, Mess, or Hassle of Other Products
YAlleviate your mind and place of trash can
Stops the stink and Guards against Bears, Rats, Flies,
Ants, Rodents, Raccoons, Squirrels, Mice, Deer, Possums, Armadillos, Snakes,
Maggots, other pests in trash cans

you tired of picking up garbage?
Tired of holes and broken cans from animals getting in the cans or making
holes in the bottom of garbage cans?
Tired of stinky trash cans?
Hate flies and maggots?

Trash Out--put on and in the garbage can to keep the can smelling nice and
keep the bugs and animals out.
Easy to use--Comes with directions and suggestions on how to use it
100% Natural and really works!
Trash Out 2oz--for 1 garbage can for up to 4 months depending on the weather and
where the can is--must reapply after a heavy rainstorm
***Trash Out is concentrated. 20z can be mixed
with water to ==8oz & 8oz mixed to --32oz UNLESS there are severe problems
or bears****
Trash Out 8oz --for up to 4 garbage cans.
Trash Out 16oz--this is the size to use for
bigger problems with raccoons, rat problems,
and for multiple cans in a hot rainy or animal filled area.
Trash Out 16oz for bear problems--stronger to keep
bears away.
Immediate Long Lasting Relief-
You will think it is magic how fast it works. Trash Out created to instantly
stimulate the chemical receptor in the nose, that is connected to the
hypothalamus, which is the gland in the brain that triggers chemical responses
to emotions -raccoons, bears, squirrels, flies, mice, rats, snakes, ants,
armadillos, deer, will want to be away from the area FAST and not come back. At
the same time, the scent for people will be uplifting and help you feel
So we built a separate holder for the trash cans away from the
house to keep the stink away and the flies and the raccoons and the bears and
resigned ourselves to buying a couple of cans a year and then tried trash out.
Then started using the Trash Out --no more morning surprises of the nightly
destruction of garbage cans or area and no more stink. It has saved so much
money and aggravation it is not funny. --may and paul in the woods
Ants. Flies, bugs, mice, and I don't even know what else was
in the garbage cans. It was a daily nightmare. Used the Trash Out so
happy. Now I don't even think about garbage or trash cans or the constant
problem and upset that was garbage. _Sue from Fla
Armadillos knocking the trash cans over and getting into
everything. Mess. This stopped it. Now even the garbage man likes my trash cans
but I don't have bug or armadillo problems. --JS from Calf.
"Maggots in the trash. Flies. mice. it was gross. Used the
Trash Out and now I can put my trash out without worry or cleaning the can after
and my garbage man even is nicer to me since I started using it.--Ann from La
"The raccoons were driving me mad. My garbage was their meals
and they would scatter the garbage all over the yard. It was constant. Used the
Trash Out and now I have peace and don't have the annoyance of constant
garbage clean up.--Julie from Mass
Bears. and garbage cans. A big problem here. I got the clips
and the designer top--it became more of a play toy for the bears. I was
skeptical. I tried Trash Out --put it all over the can. The bear cam near and
then left. It was great. I just reapply after a heavy rain on the outside
and now I have had the same garbage can for years--was buying several a
year. --Kim from NJ
"RATS! Rats in the garbage. Rats in the
shed. Rats under the shed. Rats making a mess. The only thing that was in the
shed was the trash cans because they ate wires on all others. I used the Trash
Out in the cans. They left the cans alone. Then I used the Roach and Rodent
Powder--now I have a shed back." --Tom from Kansas
"The squirrels were getting into my barn where the garbage was
and eating the can--they actually ate a hole in the door to get into the barn to
eat the can and then make a mess of the garbage all over--it was a constant
nightmare! I used Trash Out and my barn smells better and the squirrels leave it
all alone! So happy."--Bill from Lake Superior
I would throw up from the smell of the trash cans and to see
the flies !!!! Trash Out worked. No more being sick at the trash cans. Life is
better. -Steph from Texas
Honestly, I do not know what was getting in the garbage. I
hated getting up to put it out so early and hated the smell and it did bring
pests into the garage. Then if it was out --the garbage would be on the ground
and cans would be ruined. It was a constant problem. I tried the stuff. It
worked. Now my wife and kids will even take out the garbage without complaining.
--Keith from Miss
Everything got in my garbage. Trash cans were an expensive
expense. Used Trash Out and now really can put my trash out. --Te from Colo
"Snakes in the garbage cans. That was the worst. I used the
product and everything left the garbage cans alone. It was amazing. They smelled
good and I never had that problem again." Simon from NY
How You Can Quickly and Easily Get Rid of All Insects
Quickly and Naturally and is Guaranteed To
Make Your Day More Enjoyable… Without
the Stress of Bug Bites, Lyme Disease, or West
Nile Virus and being angered and annoyed insects flying around you and getting
into food and on your pet!
Veterinarian and Holistic Vet Recommended
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